Click here to download In Depth Heave Ho Protocol
Equine Heave Ho is the only one using natural herbs to help Equine Heaves/Equine COPD. Studies show organic foods have “up to 40% more antioxidants than non-organic”. Dr. Leifert, New Castle University, UK, 2007.
INGREDIENTS: Eleutherococcus, Willow, Ginger, Chia, Magnolia, Oregano, Ginko, Magnesium, Alfalfa, Arginine, Pine, Boswellia, Ashwagandha, Licorice. Vitamin C: 652mg/scoop, Zinc Sulfate: 374mg/scoop
Contains multiple adaptogens which help your horse’s immune system to adapt to stress of this respiratory condition in order to improve clinical signs.
Contains herbs to help with clearing away mucus to help breathe better.
Contains herbs to decrease spasms of airways to reduce coughing.
Contains herbs with anti-inflammatory action to help open airways.
Contains balanced minerals to support the immune system.
Contains high dose Vitamin E – The ONLY supplement for COPD/Asthma/Coughing in horses with this important antioxidant. 1 Scoop = 5784 IU of Vitamin E.
Why This Vitamin E?
Contains all 8 forms of Alpha Tocopherol. Includes RRR natural form.
It is the natural fat-soluble form seen in your horse’s body.
It is Ester Stable – Can stay in a hot tack box, or a cold tack room and it remains stable for up to 2 years.
Heave Ho is High in Healthy Omegas
Heave Ho tests at over 26% in Omegas.
A healthy 2:1 Omega 3 to Omega 6 Ratio.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids that the body does not make – need supplemented.
** Both flavors are safe in Insulin Resistant Horses.
Tested Negative for:
E. Coli
Heavy Metals
Heave Ho is Non-GMO and tested free of Roundup (Glyphosate)
Report Date: November 2016
Heave Ho /
Molasses Flavor:
ESC - 4.1%
Starch - 1.2%
WSC - 4.7%