Relief for Horses with Joint Problems

Is your horse showing any signs of stiffness? Do they appear uncomfortable while walking or exercising? Is there a noticeable warmth around their joints? These may be signs that your horse could be suffering from joint problems. Horses tend to gain joint problems from the constant weight-bearing that their joints endure from athletic activity. A horse can also obtain arthritis from over-stressing an injury even if it's minor. 


Treatments for Joint Problems

Arthritis management starts with early treatment. Using preventatives to be conscious about your horse’s joints help immensely with reducing their pain. Joint fluid supplements should be used and being aware of the ingredients that will help the most is important to maximize your success.

Hyaluronic acid can also be beneficial in controlling pain, heat and swelling in equine joints. Hyaluronic acid has a presence in the fluid between joints, and using this as an injection can produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is an anti-inflammatory prescription medication and treats early signs of joint problems. Due to it being a form of sulfur, it is vital in helping cellular membranes to exchange nutrients. 

It has also come to light organic hemp seed oil that has been added to supplements can calm and reduce inflammation.



Lameness is an abnormal stance of gait caused by either a structural or a functional disorder of the locomotor system.

What is Lameness?

Lameness is an abnormal stance of gait caused by either a structural or a functional disorder of the locomotor system. Lameness is most likely caused by overwhelming pain that your horse is enduring, which in turn creates stiffness in your horse. Signs of lameness include but are not limited to; limping, head bobbing, inability to turn smoothly, and standing imbalanced. It is important to regularly investigate any discomfort that your horse may be having. 



Having your horse’s hooves trimmed regularly is critical to their health and well being.

How to Cope with Arthritis and Prevent Lameness

One way to cope with arthritis is to combine moderate exercise in order to stimulate the production of fluid in your horse’s joints. Some activities are better than none at all. Even just moving around in a pasture provides exercise. Take your horse for daily “walks.” Make sure to avoid steep ground or rocky terrain as it might cause your horse to overwork itself. 

Having your horse’s hooves trimmed regularly is critical to their health and well being. Horses who have arthritis are more prone to joint strains. Keeping their hooves trimmed may reduce this risk as overgrown hooves can cause imbalance and their heels to fold under.

Add supplements to your horse’s daily health routine. Keep their joints moving healthily and happily. Use oral supplements that can reduce inflammation and protect cartilage.


 Comfort Quik is a veterinary formulated nutritional supplement that contains Epoxogyn Complex.

Comfort Quik: “Get your horse moving better faster”

Equine Medical & Surgical Associates (EMS) provide oral supplements that are proven to help with equine arthritis. Comfort Quik is a veterinary formulated nutritional supplement that contains Epoxogyn Complex. Epoxogyn is a unique combination of an herbal extract, mineral, and vitamin. It helps increase the blood flow to tissues to deliver oxygen, nutrients, and remove inflammatory mediators. 

EMS also provides the exclusive Comfort Quik with Hemp cartilage/bone/joint Complex. Comfort Quik with Hemp contains only USDA certified organic hemp seed oil. It is the only racing and showing approved horse joint product with hemp and epoxogyn added. For further details on these oral supplements, please visit our product descriptions here.