Equine Insulin Resistance horses
all have low thyroid function. (not hypothyroid). Why? Inflammation reduces thyroid gland output (see 3 articles on this in why thyroid function low in COPD)
Equine insulin resistance horses on a thyroid test, will test in the
bottom of the normal range =
We need in the top of the normal range in the 2.5 - 3.0 level. We are not looking to create hyperthyroid levels, only to get in A+ level of normal to help avoid/treat laminitis.
The total T4 normal range at Cornell is 1-3. Equine insulin resistance horses will test at 1.2, 1.5 - low end of range.
Owners, get a copy of your test results.
Do not accept “it’s normal” on a test - we know it’s normal, but we are not looking for barely normal, mid range. C - levels, we need top of normal.
Equine Insulin Resistance Thyroid Powder - how to give it properly?
1.Vet tests total T4 - recommend Cornell lab - see below on proper way to test.
2.Will be low normal suboptimal.
Horses over 500 pounds will get 2 scoops a day (small blue schoop in ThyroL can) = 24mg 1 x a day in AM. In 30 days retest T4 to see if near 2.5 - 3.0. If not, go to 3 scoops 1x a day in AM, retest in 30 days. On for life.
Horses under 500 pounds will get 1 scoop a day = 12mg 1x a day in AM. Retest in 30 days to see if T4 near 2.5-3.0. If not, goto 2 scoops 1x day in AM, retest in 30 days. On for life.
Equine Insulin resistance thyroid powder costs: 1 can is $24.00 and lasts 2 months, cheap.
Equine Insulin Resistance thyroid powder yearly retests: Retest T4 1x/year at time of coggins test on vaccines.
Equine Insulin Resistance thyroid powder why not want hyperthyroid doses of ThyroL - its a poor therapy.
1.Creating a hormonal imbalance to treat a hormonal imbalance (high insulin) makes no sense due to insulin resistance is not a disease solved by 1 therapy - need multiple modalities working together.
2.Hyperthyroidism creates drawbacks: muscle weakness, make them edgy/nervous, increase intolerance to hot weather so heat stress/heat stroke.
Equine Insulin resistance thyroid powder: what items can interfere with proper testing?
Avoid Yucca in horse joint supplements - why? Creates thyroid testing problems -
Effects thyroid hormones - reduces them which can make equine insulin resistance worse.
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2.Avoid high iron supplements (lixotric, red cell, glow cell, high iron containing mineral blocks in stalls/pastures) - why? These block thyroid powders abiltiy to be absorbed correctly.
Avoid metformin - creates thyroid testing problems - effects thyroid hormone levels.
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4.High doses of glucocorticoids (cortisore - like drugs like Dexamethasone, depo-medrol, predef, vetalog) will
drive down thyroid levels within hours - creating thyroid testing problems.
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5.Prascend/Pergolide for cushings affects thyroid hormone levels. Horses on this med should be getting routine T4 testing, to see how much ThyroL needed to maintain in upper normal range.
Pergolide can lower Thyroid Hormone Levels.
*Click Here
*Click Here
Can Cause Hypothyroidism on drug insert to FDA
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Dogamine agonists diminish levels of thyroid hormone
*Click Here
6.NSAIDS - Bute, Banamine create thyroid testing problems - create false low numbers. Need to be off these 10 days in order to see true T4 numbers.
*Click Here
Equine Insulin Resistance Thyroid Powder: How to do test for Thyroid.
1.Best lab to send samples: Cornell Veterinary School - run more thyroid tests than any labe in USA, boarded pathologists, quick turn around. Phone: 607-253-3900. Turn around 1-3 days.
2.Range: 1-3 ug/dl Horse
3.Collect serum in a red top tube - avoid SST (tiger top) red tubes due to gel at bottom can pull in hormone creating false low. If sending plasma, will get extremely false low numbers.
4.Ask for total T4.
5.Do not accept as an owner “it’s normal” - get test result copy, see the problem - 1.2, 1.5 is not what need.
Equine Insulin Resistance Thyroid Powder: Why Need It
1.Dr. Frank’s Study - AJVR 2005 Oral Thyroid Powder in Horse
Insulin sensitivity increased by over 2x.
Lowered inflammatory lipids.
c.Increased insulin disposal - which reduces inflammation
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2.Equine insulin resistance thyroid powder
proven to help foot comfort by helping reduce pressure on nerves, help nerve repair.
a. Mayo Clinic -
reduces fluid retention in swollen tissue that exert pressure on peripheral nerves.
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b. Dr. McQuarrie study neurol. Sci - thyroid medication helped in nerve repair - that would help a foot sore horse improve.
Nerve regeneration was 200% faster on thyroid hormone treatment.
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c. Dr. Batakat - Walters Neuro bio 2002 study:
Nerves have thyroid receptors. Thyroid hormones help in central and peripheral nerve regeneration. Injected thyroid hormone into sciatic nerves, proved enhanced
nerve repair in a quick way that long lasting.
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d. Dr. Wang 2002 study: Local administration of thyroid hormone in just one treatment, helped create long lasting
nerve regeneration. Click Here
e. Dr. Voinesco 1998 study
Nerve that cut bathed in thyroid hormone - in only 4 weeks had early regeneration - 140% more than control. By 8 weeks, significantly more 0 over 200% - long lasting/stimulating effect.
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f. Dr. Begin 2008 study
Thyroid problems seen in older age – start to lose cognitive performance.
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g. Dr. Voria 2006 study
Thyroid plays important role in regulating regeneration of the nervous system. Adding thyroid hormone to a sciatic nerve that has been cut is able to increase protein levels 2x during regeneration process. Also, the thyroid hormone increased the number of axons with enhanced protein. Conclusion: enhanced peripheral nerve regeneration.
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h. Dr. Wangs 2002 study
Beneficial effects of thyroid horomones upon peripheral nerve may have considerable therapeutic potential.
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Equine insulin resistance thyroid powder - connection between COPD Breathing and thyroid powder.
1.Many horses have bad breathing problems from COPD and there is a link to also needing thyroid powder in this disease due to inflammation reduces thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland just like in IR.
2.Thyroid powder helps both COPD and IR.
3.Many horses have both COPD and IR - important to know that COPD increases problems of IR and IR makes COPD breathing worse - need treat both to help both.
Go to our In Depth section on COPD to learn more.
Equine insulin resistance thyroid powder - what product to use and what to avoid
1.Best Product: Lloyds Labs Thyro-L. Why? Use in lab tests on horses in university studies with shown and
proven effect. Is economical at $24/can lasts 2 months. Is easy to get from your vet, is the one with the most years of experience in horses. Is
FDA approved - important.
a.Armour Thyroid Pills - made from pig thyroid glands.
Not FDA approved in horses.
b.Thyroid stimulating supplements - unproven,
not FDA approved to increase T4